Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Miracle of a Dryer

I am an expert at finding good deals... well I am extremely lucky or as many would say blessed because I have never really paid full price for anything. I have been able to furnish our home from gifted items or trades or garage sales. We are not fancy by any means but have a humble home and I wouldn't have it any other way. We try to make it a point to pay it forward and I feel that the Lord uses us as an instrument in finding good deals to also do His work. Example, I had a washing machine that every time I put it on the spin cycle Annie's bed would vibrate with the spin. I couldn't complain too hard because I gave $10 for it at a garage sale to replace the other that I picked up on the side of the road which was with us for almost two years. So one afternoon we got a phone call from a friend who needed help moving. My husband being the kind soul, jumped up and grabbed our family who was visiting us and went to help move him. He came home with a brand new washer and dryer... right there was a tender mercy because I was about done with the washer but could not afford to buy one. So what to do with the dryer? We have a gas hook up and it was electric. I called all over to friends, relief society president trying to give this dryer away to someone who wanted it and could use it. Nothing. I wanted to pass the favor on and give it to some one but if I could give it away... I would try selling it for cheap on Craig's list. The next day was a Sunday and as I came home to check my messages I heard a lady's voice say that the dryer would work perfect for them. I debated calling her back on Sunday. It was kind of like working... I was going to get money for the dryer... was that breaking the sabbath? I felt that I needed to call her back. Which when I did she said I will be right over. But I don't have all the money can I pay you less? Of course I said. So as I was outside cleaning it up, our friends came over who we do all of our Spanish FHEs with and get togethers. The dryer lady walked up to me in the garage and said, Did I hear you speaking spanish? We said yes, I served a mission in Peru and my friends were from Mexico... Are you LDS she asks. Yep. She says me too! Long story short, she is a single mom of five cute kids wanting to come back to church and needing some help. She gave me the money I had asked for and as we were loading the dryer I gave it back to her and told her it wasn't coincidence that she was here at my home looking for a dryer. With tears in her eyes she thanked me. She has since come back to church and come to several of our get togethers. I know that our Father in Heaven works through us and our desires to give of service. In return, we are given sooo much more back. I can attest to this. I was worried about breaking the sabbath, but the Lord knew that one of His daughters was in need of help and encouragement. I am so thankful to be able to part of His plan.


  1. Thanks for sharing. Great reminder of what our priorities should be.

  2. You really are the most amazing person, and family really!!! You totally inspire me and I am so grateful to know you guys!!!

  3. That is awesome. As I said previously you will always be in debt with blessings because you are such good people.

  4. what an amazing example you are!!!

  5. You inspire me to a better person, maybe if I tried harder things would work out better for us. I think this is a great story and testament to the wonderful people you are and the willingness you have to serve.
    Yes I found your blog off Cami's but hey I am excited. I will send you an invite to ours because it is private and not as inspirational as yours.
