Tuesday, March 20, 2012

And he is not shy...

As I turned around to put ketchup and mustard on the kid's hotdogs at Costco, I fully expected them to sit at the table where I had left my purse.  They were very excited to get a Costco hot dog and drink and I didn't think anything would detour them from this goal.  As I finished up the last squirt of ketchup I heard a wave of chuckles from behind me.  As I turned hoping to see someone else kid doing something crazy... I realized that Annie was sitting quietly at the table I had told them to, but where was Hank?  Three tables over, and two up... there he sat with a nice lady in her 40's and her teenage son chatting away, completely oblivious to the fact that he was not at the correct table, not with his sister and did not have the faintest idea as to who these people were!  Apologetic, I rushed over and tried to persuade him to join us at our table.  He would not budge and insisted that he sit there and talk with these people.  They seemed very nice and told me to bring his hotdog over and they would keep him company while he joined them.  Keeping a watchful eye out for him, he returned 20 minutes later after eating most of his hotdog, a string cheese and most of his drink and telling the nice lady all about everything he knew.  She had given him a string cheese to give to Annie, but if fear of losing his new friends, he turned around and chucked it at her as to not lose his seat. 
This little boy is very much James' son.  I am not shy about talking with people, but do not make it a normal habit of becoming best friends with someone in very random circumstances.  This is very much a trait that James has and one that stood out right away in our lives together and one that made me see what a special person he is.  We'll see what kind of fun this gets us into when Hank's a little older and all the nice people we will meet.

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