Monday, March 11, 2013

Just trying to look romantic...

I have a slight problem.  A conversation today reminded me of this problem.  I don't like to be told that I can't do something.  Especially being compared to someone else who might be able to do that something. 

Which brought back a memory that I love.

We hired cheap photographers.  Never do that for your wedding.

As we were taking pictures outside the temple, we made awkward poses trying to look romantic.  Ha, must have been a sight!  The photographer suggested that James pick me up and swing me around making my dress swing out.  It turned out pretty nice and was fun...  Stopping to gain our footing, I joked that I should now swing James around me.  The photographer said something implying that I could not/should not do that.

Done.  It was immediately decided that James stand on the little table to get ready for lift off.  I wrapped my arms around him and in my little white heels in the green grass and beautiful dress I swung my cowboy around.

The photographer did not know what to say or do.

I can do whatever I put my mind to. :)

(Big thanks to Cami Joy Photography for fixing our pictures!!)

Now for a contradiction in my problem.

I have never taken a drink of alcohol.  Never.  Not even once.  Not even a sip.

Have I been invited to? Yes.  Have I been begged? Yes.  Have I been taunted?  Yes

I was asked today from one of our clients who thought I was wonderfully absurd, "You never even tried it?  It wasn't like the forbidden apple that you just wanted to eat because others said you cannot?"

I have never had the slightest desire to try it or for that matter to ever get "drunk" or "happy" or "relax" or whatever other reason there is.  Weird, probably.  Maybe this does not contradict my problem.  It could just be that everyone expects me to have tried alcohol before and I choose to not follow the crowd...  hmmm.

I am blessed to be married to another weirdo also.  He has never taken a drink either.  Peculiar people eh?


  1. I loved that moment at your wedding :) Maybe Cami Jo can fix some of my pictures :). I sure love you. You are awesome!
