Sunday, November 20, 2011

"I picked this dress out all by myself to wear to the temple."

These were Annie's words as she came to sit down with us to our late dinner of pizza and homemade banana pudding this evening.  She was wearing a white dress with little shoulder straps and a huge smile.  She was so proud.  And we were very impressed that our little drive past the closed for maintenance Billings temple last week paid off.  We asked her what she was going to do at the temple.  She said, "Go inside."  and the with further prodding of what she would do inside, she said, "Get married to Hank."  We will work on straightening that one out later... hehehe. 

At my Grandma's funeral, one of my uncles shared that the lesson that he remembered most from growing up from his mom was the importance of being married and sealed in the temple for all time and eternity.  All of her 7 kids were able to achieve this great blessing and the family has been so blessed for it. 

That has become one of my most important principles that I wish to teach my children, to be married in the temple.  All of the choices leading up to this goal are choices that will bring them safety, joy, peace and strength.  They will know who they are, who their savior is and most importantly that they can be an eternal family. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Chalk, $100, Tires

Three tender mercies as of late.
1. I went to the local auction yesterday to look for some very needed tires for our truck and trailer.  Turns out that you need tires to have rubber cover the metal binding for them to be safe....  :)  So, the tires obviously went for three times the price I was willing or able to pay for them.  As I was observing the items being auctioned off I saw a cute little pink storage container, a helmet, and a huge container of chalk.  I thought, "oohhh!  Annie and Hank would love it!"  As it always proves true, the lot went for alot more than I could or would pay for it.  The funny thing is the old man standing next to me bought it.  I leaned over and jokingly said, "that'll be fun for you to draw pictures on your sidewalk!"  He said, "I am looking forward to it."  But really is was for his little granddaughter.  I remarked, "She will love it!  I know my little girl would."  We bid each other well... kind of... I got a phone call and walked away.  As I entered the building again, the old man found me and insisted that I take the chalk for my little girl.  I was touched by his sincerity and kindness and recognizing an opportunity to let someone feel that they were listened to and cared that their little girl could have fun with a box of chalk.  
2. A phone call from our kind, wonderful, and very amazing landlords resulted in our rent being lowered for the winter months.  That just doesn't happen ever!  I so desperately want to be able to do for another family what they have done and are doing for our family during this time of our lives!  We will pass this Huge tender mercy forward!  We are so indebt with blessings!
3. The forementioned tires that went to the auction to buy and then didn't... well, we were given a set that will work perfect from my parents and my grandpa!

This I believe is proof of the simple concept... If you give what you have, you will be provided for!  We are so grateful for the little miracles that occur everyday!


I should be sitting here doing my billing for the previous month... or a million other things.  I cannot stop contemplating and rethinking over and over one simple concept.  The concept... what is truth and how do I know what is true?  I have been thinking over the past couple months of what are things that I can absolutely without a doubt say that I know to be truth.  Not "maybe truths", not "it would be nice if they were true", or "I am pretty sure it is truth".  (Hopefully you are following me still.)
I have discovered that I have a list that is rather small of complete and absolute truths that I can say with all depth and sincerity of my heart are true and will never change no matter what or whoever changes or influences any aspect of the purity of the truth.  (There are other truths that I know, but they hinge on the fact that these truths are true.)

The truths I know:
1. This is the most important.  I know that I am a daughter of my Heavenly Father and that I am of divine worth.  I know that He loves me and knows me very well and perfectly.  I know I can pour out my heart to Him in gratitude and sorrow and know that I will be understood and be given comfort and strength.

2. I know that I have an elder brother Jesus Christ who is my Savior and Redeemer.  I know that He gave His life for me personally and atoned for my mistakes.  I know that He can identify perfectly with how I feel in every situation in my life.

3. I know that when I try to base my life on His example of how he lives His life, I will be happy.

4. I know that the Book of Mormon is another Testament of Jesus Christ.  It is the book that will bring you the most happiness and understanding when studied than any other act.

5. I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God and that he was able to restore Christ's church once again on the earth in it's fulness.

6. I know that my family loves me and accepts me.

7. I know that I have alot to offer and through serving others and giving of the blessings that we receive as a family we are entirely blessed one hundred fold.

I came to find these truths not because anyone told me to believe them.  I have put to practice the "try it and find out" method with a lot of prayer and even more trial and error.  I cannot nor will I ever deny these truths.  It runs that deep in who I am and where I come from eternally.